CDI Global

Voice of the Financial Industry

If we don’t take drastic action now to save our planet and reform our society, then our children will experience a much more dangerous and volatile world than the one we grew up in. If we don’t make the required changes then it is probable that our children’s standard of living, wellbeing and life expectancy will be lower than ours. That has never happened in human history.

As a thought leader and known voice on the impact of global warming on a business’s future, CDI Global congratulates Mark Ledger-Beadell for his contribution to the prescient article Voice of the Financial Industry. Mark is CDI Global’s Head of EMEA and a member of its Management Committee. He has over 20 years’ experience in managing company sales, management buyouts, private equity transactions, acquisitions and IPOs.

When it comes to corporate transactions, the impact of global warming on a business’s future prospects is as yet “nowhere” on financiers’ radar, says Ledger-Beadell. He says that could be partly due to the more short-termist Anglo-Saxon investment culture, whereas in Germany or Japan investors might be thinking further ahead.

Corporate culture

Younger employees have new motivations, they want to see that a company is doing the right things for their generation, so corporates have to change themselves to address that properly. By being responsive and not just ticking boxes they will attract the right quality of staff, and that applies to pretty much all industries, according to Ledger-Beadell.

Box-ticking and greenwashing

Existing ESG assessment models can lend themselves to box-ticking and greenwashing, according to many participants. Mark Ledger-Beadell says private equity in particular does not yet look beyond complying with a process, and is not yet recognising any alternative bottom line. He “can’t remember one” cross-border corporate transaction where ESG was raised as an issue.

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